Worship Leaders Association International is aware of the enormous financial burden to those whose creative practices and incomes are being adversely impacted by COVID-19. We are deeply saddened that it is resulting in loss of work due to church closures and loss of gigs that help support your family.
To help address the concerns of the creative arts ministry workers during this time, we have expanded our services to include basic living assistance due to the cancellation of scheduled gigs or performances due to Coronavirus/COVID-19 precautionary measures.
Relief Fund FAQ
Who can apply for assistance from the Creative Arts Ministry Workers Relief Fund?
Friends of WLA International may apply for funds for basic living assistance (groceries, medicine, utilities, housing, etc.)
Friends of WLA consist of individuals who have participated in an online or live event hosted by WLA International or LaRue Ministries, Inc. in the past 2 years. Applicants must live within the United States.
What are the application requirements?
A completed WLA International COVID-19 Relief Fund application should be submitted by April 30, proof of cancellations of bookings for at least 3 events, and/or proof of ministry position furlough or layoff, and a detailed description of your needs during this time.
How will I be contacted?
All submissions will be reviewed by the WLA International Board of Directors. Person(s) selected to receive funds will be contacted 7-14 days after the submission deadline. Please note that incomplete applications will not be reviewed and requests will be processed in the order received.
I would like to make a gift to the Worship Leader Association to support other creative ministry workers during this crisis.
To make a tax-deductible gift to the WLA please click HERE.
Who do I contact for more information?
Please email info@wlainc.org for any questions.
About The Worship Leaders Association
Founded by LaRue Howard, the heartbeat of the WLA is to build a generation of fervent praisers who take worship leading from being task-oriented to an all-encompassing Kingdom perspective for the purpose of preparing the way for the Lord’s return.
The mission of the Worship Leaders Association is to be a living laboratory for worship teams to develop their gifts from a global Kingdom perspective. We are a collaboration that exists to equip worship teams to serve with a clear and concise Kingdom point of view.